Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Bring Out Yer Dead / Marketing Your Funeral Home In This 21st Century

C'mon Guys--This'll be FUN!!!

The Staff at Fairhaven Funeral Home here in Savannah apparently just returned from a very inexpensive marketing seminar with an idea whose time is upon us. Every 2nd Sunday they are hosting a FREE MOVIE with FREE PUNCH and FREE POPCORN for the KIDS! Where? At the FUNERAL HOME! It's a casual affair--simply RSVP (seriously) and be there for the PROMPT START (their caps) and take note: "There will be no intermission." Which is a shame because that would have given them such a great opportunity to further traumatize the kids by taking them on a tour of the morgue, maybe let them try their hand at a little embalming, fire up the crematorium for roasting some weenies or leftover body parts, take naptime in a coffin. See Kids--There's nothing weird about a place where your dead Grammy gets drained like a leaky radiator then tossed into a fiery inferno that resembles what you've been told happens in hell!

How many times have you been to a seminar and heard that utterly useless phrase, "There are no bad ideas?" I think that's the seminar The Staff at Fairhaven Funeral Home attended.

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